FLIGHT TICKETS ARE ON DISCOUNT PROMO: 20-50% OFF All travel: Indonesia, Bangkok, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Europe and others. Payment after there is a booking & ticket code.

20-50% PROMO Serving Booking All Routes with Airlines. / Garuda / Citilink. /Batik /Sriwijaya/ Lion Group / Malaysia airlines / Qatar / Malindo / Bangladesh Airlines / Bima airlines

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  • Bisakah saya membeli tiket dari Anda? Saya saat ini tidak berada di Negara Anda?
  • Ya, karena sekarang adalah era modern, Anda dapat membeli dari kami dan kami akan mengirimkan kode booking melalui WhatsApp, selanjutnya Anda hanya perlu menunjukkan kode booking tersebut di bandara Anda. 


  •  Can I buy tickets from you? I am not currently in your Country?
  • Yes, because now is the modern era, you can buy from us and we will send you a booking code via WhatsApp, then you only need to show the booking code at your airport.


  • Kenapa harga Tiket Anda murah dibanding Travel lain?
  • Satu tahun lalu, Travel kami sudah booking tiket dari Perusahan-perusahan terbesar, artinya travel kami menanam saham dari perusahan-perusahaan tertentu,dengan maksud dijual pada saat hari-hari besar, seperti Hari Raya Idul Adha, Hari raya waisak, Hari Natal dan sebagainya


  •  Why is your ticket price cheap compared to other travel?
  • One year ago, our travel has booked tickets from the biggest companies, meaning that our travel has invested in shares from certain companies, with the intention of selling them on major holidays, such as Eid al-Adha, Vesak Day, Christmas and so on.

Cheap Flights & Tickets: Lowest Price with TRAVEL NIA

Promo: Cheap Flight Tickets Discount 20%- 50% Malaysia to Indonesia - Bangladesh - Hong Kong - Singapore - Tahiland - Japanese - Philippines - Pakistan - India .

From/ and To : Lahore to Kuala lumpur - Kuala Lumpur to Islamabad - Dhaka to Kul - Bangladesh to Malaysia.- Indonesia to Dhaka Airport/ Chittagong Airport/ Sylhet Airport/ Cox's Bazar Airport/ Jessore Airport/ Rajshahi Airport/ Saidpur Airport/ Barisal Airport
Harga Tiket Pesawat di Bandara